1. Kuressaare St. Laurence Church


One-naved classicistic Kuressaare St. Laurence Church was established at the current location in 17th century. Individuality to the church is given by decorative details from dolomite. The pulpit and altar wall of the church are hewed from dolomite, all along the building is surrounded by columnar balcony. In the church You can see the first Sauer instrument of Estonia, the only organ of Kuressaare city. Unique baptismal stone comes from crushed in 1944 Anseküla medieval church; Altar painting „Kolgata” author is Carl Siegismund Walther; The Empire style pin broach is inspired by St. Petersburg buildings.

Address: Tallinna 13, Kuressaare 93811 Saaremaa
Phone: (+372) 45 36 560
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Homepage: https://kuressaare.eelk.ee/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Laurentiusekogudus/

2. Kuressaare St. Nicholas Church


The church together with the gates from dolomite and surrounding wall is under protection as architectural memory. The church built in 1790 is three-naved in low-key late classicistic style. Interesting is built at the same time three-part gate. On each side of its main entrance wall surface hang two half-columns with Doric serifs. Church was built by order of Catherine the II. Since the congregation was established there were 30 priests.

Address: Lossi 8, Kuressaare 93816 Saaremaa
Priest: Kristoforos Parts
Phone: (+372) 58 193 110
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Homepage: https://www.eoc.ee/kogudus/kuressaare-puha-nikolai-kogudus/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kuressaare-Püha-Nikolai-Kogudusele-ja-teistele-ristiinimestele-1566358370243931/

3. Kuressaare Zion Church


Kuressaare Zion Church is the first church building in Kuressaare built after Estonia regained its independence (1991). The building was completed in 1993 by architect Priit Kaljapulk. The sanctuary is home to the Zion Congregation of Kuressaare, united by Baptists, Priests, Gospel Christians and Pentecostals.

Address: Tallinna 45, Kuressaare 93815 Saaremaa
Phone: (+372) 45 53 162, (+372) 52 32 286
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Homepage: https://siionikirik.ee/

4. Kuressaare Methodist Church


9. juunil 1907 alustasid Vassili Täht ja Karl Kuum Kuressaares evangeelseid äratuskoosolekuid, mida peetakse metodisti liikumise alguseks Eestis. Samal ajal levis kogu Läänemaal vaimulik ärkamine. Kuressaare kogudus sai alguse 26. augustil 1910 kell 10 õhtul, kui superintendent George A. Simons ja Vassili Täht võtsid proua Vildenbergi majas Kuressaares, Kohtu tänav 2 vastu kolm meest ja kolm naist esimesteks Eesti Piiskopliku Metodisti Kiriku liikmeteks. Aasta lõpuks oli kogudusega ühinenud veel 17 naist ja aastaks 1924 oli Kuressaare koguduses juba 366 liiget. Kuressaare koguduse asutaja Martin Prikask suri märtrina 1942. aastal. Kuressaarlased ehitasid valmis ka esimese metodistide pühakoja Eestis – puitkiriku, mis täna on muinsuskaitse all ja sai osaliselt renoveeritud EMK 100. sünnipäevaks.

Address: Karja 1, Kuressaare 93811 Saaremaa
Phone: (+372) 53 401 054
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kuressaaremetodistikogudus/

5. Valjala Church of St. Martin


Saint Martin's Church of Valjala is a Lutheran church in Valjala, on the island of Saaremaa, Estonia. It is the oldest stone church on Saaremaa and possibly the oldest surviving church in Estonia. The construction of Valjala Church was started in 1227. The oldest part of the church is the choir room to which the nave was later added. At Valjala Church you can see a Romanesque baptismal font from the 13th century, which is believed to be one of the most unique pieces of carved stonework in the Baltic states. In the choir room of the church you can marvel the murals which depict six apostles and are painted at the time when the original chapel was built - the later choir room part.

Address: Kiriku tee 6, Valjala 94302 Saaremaa
Phone: (+372) 45 49 543
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

6. Kihelkonna Church of St. Michael


The church of Kihelkonna was built in the second half of 13th century. Initial church was without tower that was added to the church in the end of 19th century. Most impressive are the high domical hewn arcs with relief keystones. South of the church You will see distinct bell tower - campanile.

Address: Kiriku 4, Kihelkonna, 93401 Saare maakond
Phone: (+372) 45 46 558
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

7. Mustjala Church of St Anna


Mustjala Anna Church is a church in Saare County, Saaremaa Parish. The church is used by EELK Mustjala Anna congregation. The church was completed in 1863 and consecrated on November 8 of the same year. The new church replaced the chapel built in 1605. Mustjala Church is an example of historicist-eclectic architectural style. Its high tower was an important landmark for sailors. The church is a single-aisled long building and the design features Gothic and Romanesque motifs. The altar and pulpit are in pseudo-Gothic style. The church altarpiece "Christ on the Cross" is from 1938 (artist Rudolf Sepp).

Address: Kiriku tn 3, Mustjala 93601 Saaremaa
Phone: (+372) 45 79 644
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mustjalakogudus/

8. Kaarma Church of Saints Peter and Paul


Kaarma one-nave church was established in the second half of 13th century and was later rebuilt to be a two-nave church. Church is decorated with ornamental and figural fragments of frescos in secco technique that are the same age as initial church. Near pulpit You can see polychromous wooden sculpture of St.Joseph that belongs to Northern-German school. Interesting to know: First time on Saaremaa the supporting pillars were used in Kaarma church The eastern wall of church's chorus is decorated with rare in Estonia triple window The prototype for pulpit of Kaarma church was a pulpit of Lübeck church.

Address: Kaarma kirikla, Kaarma 93732 Saaremaa
Phone: (+372) 5 291 881
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

9. Jämaja Church


The church probably existed in Jämaja already in the 13th century, but today nothing of this old building has survived. The current historicist church was founded in the second half of the 19th century. What makes this church special is its proximity to the sea. The plot of the altar painting of the Jämaja church can be found in the churches, where the sound of the sea came from the window. Jämaja Cemetery, located a little away from the church and practically on the beach, is the cemetery closest to the sea in Estonia.

Address: Jämaja kirik, Jämaja, 93238 Saaremaa
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JamajaKirik/

10. Karja church of St Catherine and St Nicholas


Karja church was built in the beginning of 14th century. The church has retained almost unchanged its initial shape. The church is one-naved and doesn't have bell tower. On top of the altar are extant paganish magic ceiling signs that were painted during construction. In the design of the church You will mostly see elements of early and high Gothic that are combined with some roman lines. Interesting to know: Karja church is one of the richest of sculptures in the whole Northern Europe. The arcs of the church exceed the height of the walls two times. Karja church is the smallest church on Saaremaa.

Address: Karja kirikla, Linnaka, Leisi vald 94213 Saaremaa
Phone: (+372) 45 73 652
Homepage: https://karjakirik.weebly.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karjakirik/

11. Pöide St. Mary Church


The Pöide Church was built in the middle of the 14th century on the ruins of the Pöide Order Castle. The existence of the castle is witnessed by the ruins lying under ground north of the church. Lower parts of the side walls of the church now standing there are the only ones remaining from that period. Near the southern wall of the church, you will see trapezoid-shaped gravestones and their fragments walled into the floor of the choir. Good to know: The Pöide Church is the biggest single nave church in Western Estonia and the islands. The rich carved decor of the church is one of the best examples of Estonian High Gothic

Address: Maarja, Pöide küla 94501 Saaremaa
Phone: (+372) 56 612 829
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Homepage: https://webzone.ee/poidekirik/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/poidemaarja/

Pictures © 2020 Andres Larin

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